I’m writing this as we are in the early stages of marketing this company for the first time. As a result, not surprisingly, I’ve been experiencing stress.
It occurred to me, since I believe in what we are doing with this new business, why am I not using it myself?
So today I started to do the first in a series of meetings with my own positively partner.
My goal is to complete 90 sessions and document what happens along the way. So I have created a category here on this blog that I’m calling 90 Sessions, and I will post it each day that I meet with my Positivity partner to report what happened.
During my first meeting with Katherine, she had us play the alphabet game. That’s where we work through the alphabet letter by letter, starting with the letter A, and pick words that we like, and that feel really good to us beginning with those letters.
I like that she came up with this game herself, because it wasn’t part of what we covered in her Certified Positivity Partner training. I especially like the fact that it’s the same game that my ex-wife and I came up with years ago to play with each other. It’s a good game!
My subjective score at the beginning of the session was a 6. By the end of the session and I was an 8.
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