Today’s session was mostly about brainstorming ideas for content to use in marketing this new service. Katherine gave me some good ideas that I haven’t thought of, including cryptoquotes, scramblers, and other puzzles.
I found out when we talked about this stuff today, it seems to take some of the load off of me. It’s hard to start a new venture, but it’s especially hard when it’s venture that has no prior precedent, something that no one else is ever done before. The reason is that because no one has done it before, there are no pre-existing keywords to use. It means that we’re trying to explain to people what this new thing is and help them adjust to it and warm up to it emotionally.
That’s never easy!
Also, we agreed that there is a strong tendency. People will have to conflate what we’re doing here with therapy. Therapy is actually a very different thing, but many people are going to think that Positivity partnering and therapy are pretty much the same thing.
This made me realize that the content that I’m creating needs to in someways focused on different different differentiating between the two.
I also shared with her that I had come up with a novel new idea for doing the marketing. I thought of the idea of using the fairytale motif as a way to tell stories that would help people read and understand what the value of Positivity partnering really is.
So the marketing campaign is all about a series of these stories, one story at a time, and sharing them each day on our Facebook page and in our website blog.
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