I started today’s session at a 5, and ended it at a 7.
We both agreed that we continue to feel positive effects from these sessions.
I find it’s hard to identify when the effect wears off during the day. Kath said that she’s sleeping better as a result of them.
Kath presented me with a series of emojis and asked me to identify positive memories and experiences from my past.
It was challenging because some of them I had no associations, and one of them actually had a negative association for me. The negative was a symbol for partying. When I was in college my first year, two of my roommates ended up being the biggest drug dealers on campus, and there were parties in our room every night until 3 or 4 AM. It was pretty miserable.
Yet, despite that one negative, the exercise was a success because most of the ones we talked about had positive associations.
She knows that I’m a social dancer, so she deliberately included a dancer emoji!
There were also music emojis, which is appropriate because I am also a musician.
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