Today’s session was free-form. We didn’t have a particular topic. We just talked about stuff that felt good to us.
I shared some stories about things going on in my life.
There’s the marketing campaign for this service.
There was some conversation about the gardening service business.
I also talked about how I was beginning to make changes to my diet after seeing my naturopath the day before. I had learned (to my surprise) from blood testing that I have a sensitivity to eggs and blueberries, and I’m in the process of removing them from my diet. Eggs are the hard one because they’re built into so many recipes, sauces, etc.
I also told Kath about the 7X Method, a book written by Dr. Sarah Doyle, who was a guest on my podcast on Wednesday. I’m giving that approach to eating a try.
We’ll see soon how that plays out, because supposedly the results show up quicker in males than in females, as soon as 24 hours.
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